Staying fit to care for our physical and mental health can present a massive challenge. After all, who doesn’t find drinks, food and relaxation tempting, especially when surrounded by the gorgeous natural scenery and calming atmosphere of Sunshine Valley?
However, maintaining a balance of rest and exercise is crucial to maintaining a happy and healthy life and is an essential part of people’s lives. Here are 3 of the best ways for people in the Valley to stay active, move, and feel great. Let us know of any other personal favourites you can think of so we can add them to our list for others to experience and enjoy!

1. Going for Hikes
Did you know Sunshine Valley has our very own private network of trails? Going for hikes throughout this network, or even on the paved roads for the less adventurous, is one of the best ways to explore the valley and immerse yourself in its natural bliss. Our favourite route takes you along the scenic service road toward Silvertip mountain. This trail is perfect for adventurists of all ages and levels of experience, and the views of the Cascade mountain range are stunning. For those interested, see the attached trail map and get to planning your next adventure!

2. Swimming at the Sunshine Valley Community Recreation Society
Swimming is one of the best ways to enjoy low-impact exercise that targets all muscle groups and greatly promotes cardiovascular health. The Sunshine Valley Community Recreation Society has its own outdoor pool available to Sunshine Valley residents and guests alike. Swing by and take a refreshing dip during the hot summer months, or enjoy the indoor and outdoor hot tub amenities throughout the year. THE SVCRS is the perfect place for families and individuals to stay active, relax and enjoy!

3. Working Out at the Hope Recreation Centre
The beautiful city of Hope, located a short 15-minute drive west of Sunshine Valley, has a tremendous recreation centre with many amenities. Their fully stocked gym is the perfect place for both experienced gym-goers and those looking to get started in their workout journey. The rec centre features free weights, squat and bench racks, cable machines, cardio machines and various other equipment that promote various exercises. The facility also offers a variety of passes to accommodate the needs and circumstances of anyone who attends. There are many more exercise options for residents and visitors, but we hope this list inspires some to get out, get active and enjoy the wide variety of fun activities offered in the area. It is important to note that enjoying these mentioned activities does not require the ownership of any equipment. All you need to stay fit and have fun is the right attitude and a supportive community to do it with. Thus, we encourage residents and visitors of the Valley to share their fitness experience and provide suggestions to others to promote a positive, healthy and happy community for all!